CANTABRIA SISTEMAS CONTRA INCENDIOS, S.L., considers that the Management of Quality, Environment and Work Safety, that is to say, of resources, people, processes and results, must tend towards efficiency as an ethical commitment and to services oriented to achieve the confidence and satisfaction of you, our clients, in the sense of fulfilling your requirements. We are committed to the continuous improvement of quality, as well as the prevention of environmental pollution and the health and safety of our workers.

Our organization is committed to offer services that meet the needs, expectations and requirements of our customers, for which CAFIPROS:

  • Plans each year some quality, environmental and OSH objectives and details them in specific plans for their achievement, with definition of those responsible, deadlines for implementation and means necessary to achieve them.
  • Develops, evaluates, reviews and improves its policy and strategy, complying with legal requirements.
  • Promotes the technical, economic and social improvement of our staff through continuous training in the activities performed within the services provided.
  • Develops, implements and maintains an Integrated Quality, Environmental and OSH Management System based on the UNE EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE EN ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards that guarantees the quality and environmental standards of our services, as well as the health care of our workers in any of the activities developed.
  • Maintains fluid communication with suppliers, customers, stakeholders providing reliable and transparent information about the products and activities performed.