In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, it is hereby stated that this page belongs to the entity:

Company Name: Cantabria Sistemas Contra Incendios, S.L.
TAX ID: B09890369
Address for notification purposes: Barrio la Venta nº 16. 39600 Revilla de Camargo, Cantabria.
E-mail: administracion@cafipros.com
Domain Name: cafipros.com
Telephone number: (+34) 942 102 004
If you have any queries, you can contact CAFIPROS by e-mail at administracion@cafipros.com, or by telephone on (+34) 942 102 004.

The party responsible for this web site makes this document available to users in order to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as to inform all users of the site of the conditions governing its use.

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The responsible reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website without there being any obligation to give prior notice or inform users of said modifications, it being understood that their mere publication on the website of the responsible is sufficient.

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The website may contain links to content from third party websites. Given that the party responsible cannot always control the contents introduced by said third parties on their websites, the party responsible does not assume any type of responsibility with regard to said contents. In any case, the responsible party states that it will immediately remove any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, immediately removing the link to said website and informing the competent authorities of the content in question.

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This website has been checked and tested to ensure that it functions correctly. In principle, it can be assumed that it will continue to function correctly. However, the responsible party does not rule out the possibility of the existence of certain programming errors, or the occurrence of technical or human errors, whether their own or those of third parties, force majeure, natural catastrophes, strikes, or similar circumstances that make it impossible to access its contents and functionalities.